Many of us experience hair issues throughout our lives. Some of which we try several different shampoos and tonics, but still can't seem to quell the issue of too much oil, too dry and brittle, loss, flaky, etc.
The following is a list of essential oils that are reputed to be hair tonics for different types of hair and the issues we experience.
I recommend smelling the oil before using to be sure you like the scent. Then, I would do a patch test to make sure you like the scent in your hair.
Hair Type - Essential Oil
Dry - chamomile, rosewood, palmarosa
Oily - clary sage, cedarwood, cypress, lemon, lemongrass, patchouli, sage
Dandruff - cedarwood, geranium, juniper, sage, spearmint, tea tree
Hair Loss - basil, peppermint, cedarwood, ylang ylang, rosemary, spikenard
All Types - lavender, roman chamomile, rosemary, carrot seed
How to use:
Add a few drops to shampoo or conditioner (assume no more than 2 drops per 2 oz of shampoo or conditioner).
Mix 2-3 drops into 2 oz of a carrier oil (Jojoba, Olive) and massage through hair. Cover with a towel or hair cap and let sit 30 minutes to overnight. Rinse hair well and wash as normal.

Aromatherapy DiffuserWear (nee Aromatherapy AnyWear by Tabs) designs and sells fun to wear pendant diffuser necklaces. We are a mom & daughter team. We donate 30+% of sales to animal causes, Autism, Cancer, peace, education, & fundraisers. Our diffuser pendants can be worn or used as a car diffuser/freshener or tree ornament. We offer 2 ml vials of pure, uncut, therapeutic grade oils - most are organic, none are tested on animals.
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