Aromatherapy Diffuser Wear (nee Aromatherapy AnyWear by Tabs) Testimonials and Feedback
"The necklaces and website look fantastic. She should be very proud of the beautiful work she did. She is quite an entrepreneur." Carol, Salon Owner, Healer and Essential Oil Advocate
"The people I have given the pendants to really liked them. Melody loved the puzzle pieces. They are very cool." Carolyn, Director of Autism Center
"One of my Board of Director’s members won a diffuser at the Pink Ribbon Ride during their raffle and gave it to me. I inadvertently left it in my car on Sunday and did not drive on Monday. This morning my car smells glorious. Not overwhelming, just healthy and glorious. Thank you for donating!" Holly, Director, Breast Cancer Organization
"We think what you are doing with your daughter, Tabs is so important." Diana, Breast Cancer Survivor and Complementary Therapies Business Owner
"I have the one I bought in my car and my husband really loves to open it and smell the lime oil." Robyn, Spa Owner and Acupuncture Practitioner
"YES!! We got them and they are so sweet!" Sarah, Mgr, Natural Foods Store
"Your necklaces are a big hit at our radiation oncology center. My chief physicist ordered a bunch for our patients. I am going to order more- my daughter loves them!" Len, Founder/Director, Cancer Treatment Center
"Both my girls wear their necklaces and keep them by their beds at night. Such a great idea! I can't wait to hear about the inspiration behind it." Katie, Massage Therapist
"We got the necklace--thank you, it's really sweet." Joanne, Owner Online Essential Oils and Gifts
"Hi received the diffuser this morning and I am so pleased! They are so beautiful." Marie, Aromatherapy Consultant
"I love what you are doing!!!! Such a stunning idea you two!!!!" Sharon, Essential Oils Seller and Raindrop Therapist
" Love how you and your daughter and working in collaboration on these diffusers. They are lovely." Faith, Apothecary Owner
"It's very cute - love the paw prints," Adrienne, Communications Director, Humane Society
"The pendants are beautifully made and your daughter has done a fabulous job! She is certainly an artist." Karen, Aromatherapy Business Owner
"Bravo to you and your daughter for the professional presentation and unique item." Colleen, Art Gallery Manager
"Thank you for everything...we have already sold 4 necklaces and I haven't even tried to sell them yet." Christine, Licensed Massage Therapist and Wellness Center Director
"Hey Beth, I think they're great." John, Gift and Boutique Store Owner
"I love the story and I think it’s super sweet. Love!" Wellness Manager, Natural Foods Market Chain
"Love them all. I'll take them (all 10). You have such a great product. Let folks know how valuable this pendant is when flying. That is what I think. I wouldn't fly without it." Diana, Yoga Wellness Center Founder
"We got the necklace--thank you, it's really sweet." Joanne, Owner Online Essential Oils and Gifts
"Hi received the diffuser this morning and I am so pleased! They are so beautiful." Marie, Aromatherapy Consultant
"I love what you are doing!!!! Such a stunning idea you two!!!!" Sharon, Essential Oils Seller and Raindrop Therapist
" Love how you and your daughter and working in collaboration on these diffusers. They are lovely." Faith, Apothecary Owner
"It's very cute - love the paw prints," Adrienne, Communications Director, Humane Society
"The pendants are beautifully made and your daughter has done a fabulous job! She is certainly an artist." Karen, Aromatherapy Business Owner
"Bravo to you and your daughter for the professional presentation and unique item." Colleen, Art Gallery Manager
"Thank you for everything...we have already sold 4 necklaces and I haven't even tried to sell them yet." Christine, Licensed Massage Therapist and Wellness Center Director
"Hey Beth, I think they're great." John, Gift and Boutique Store Owner
"I love the story and I think it’s super sweet. Love!" Wellness Manager, Natural Foods Market Chain
"Love them all. I'll take them (all 10). You have such a great product. Let folks know how valuable this pendant is when flying. That is what I think. I wouldn't fly without it." Diana, Yoga Wellness Center Founder
Beyonce , I just wanted to share my experience. I had a trampoline when I was growing up. First day we set it up I was 12 years old. I jumped on it for 4 hours straight. I had pain in my low back and both legs for over a month. I had to take it easy and eventually the pain went away. Fast forward to age 19. I was jumping on a trampoline, doing flips, seats, all kinds of tricks during a contest with my brother and cousins. We were all trying to outdo each other on a series of tricks. I never fell off of the trampoline. However, I did a front flip with some good height to it and purposely did not land on my feet (because, that's the trick we were supposed to do...flip into seat position and then a series of other tricks). Okay, so I landed very close to the springs...still on the tarp, but there was much less give/bounce. I immediately had severe low back pain and I had to stop jumping. I rested for 20 minutes, the pain had subsided and then I got right back on the trampoline and did the exact same thing!!! The second time I hit close to the springs the pain was double. I hurt so bad I felt like I needed to run for a few minutes. Advil later, but my back hurt so bad for a good solid week. I returned to college and a couple months later I was still noticing pain when bending down to pick up my books, or eventually at the sink while slightly bending to wash my face. brush teeth, etc. I was involved in a swing dance class at the time and my dance partner and I were practicing flips and tricks on the dance floor, etc. The end of the night, I had the most severe back pain I have ever felt. It never went away. I eventually had surgery, micro laminectomy and microdiscectomy. Fixed the constant pain, but created far worse, intermittent pain. I can't stand for long periods of time, jumping, running, or anything jarring hurts my back, etc. I tell you this story because I know I probably compressed and injured my disc on the trampoline and then my active lifestyle didn't allow the proper rest that it needed to heal (and they take a very long time to heal as they now know...back then they told me surgery was the only fix since a year of conservative therapy wasn't working). I will never own a trampoline again and my kids keep begging me for one. Trust me, a short time of fun and lead to a lifetime of pain and limitations. I am 36 now and I wake up in pain daily and nothing ever shows up on the scans, etc. The doctor's best guess is scar tissue pressing on the spinal nerves. I know the trampolines are fun, but I wish I had never jumped on one now.I Came across an article here on line about Doctor James curing people of Herpes, Cancer,HIV,Diabetes.I picked up interest to reach him on his [] just to try.and i told him my problem of backache.he said he's going to help me with his powerful herbal mixed medicine.but i should pay money for him to prepare the medicine for me and i did send him the money two days later he prepared the medicine and sent to me through DHl courier got to me in 5 days time.and i started drinking the medicine morning and evening for 15 days as he prescribed for as i was drinking it my pain was all gradually going away.till 14 days i was totally free from all the pains all over my was like a miracle to me after so many years living with this pain all over me..thanks to Dr James.Use his herbal medicine and get rid of your backache and pains away.Email him on What's APP or call him on Mobile@+2348152855846Thank me later